Monday, December 6, 2010

the GinGer BrEaD HouSe

It has been years since I made a ginger bread house. When I was younger, every year at Thanksgiving, my Aunt Esther would gather up all the cousins (and there were a lot of us!) and we made "ginger bread"houses. I suppose I can say, I have never made an actually ginger bread house out of ginger bread. My Aunt Esther would cut graham crackers into the pieces needed to build a house. Everything else was the same, the frosting for glue and tons of candy to decorate. So this year, I went to Deanna's home to make a REAL ginger bread house with her and her 4 year old little girl.

Now, I realize that it is no Martha Stewart house, but I must say, it turned out pretty good since it has been probably 15 years since the graham cracker candy houses I use to make. I did not realize how long the process is, making the dough, cutting out the shapes, baking the dough, making icing, building the house, letting it dry, and finally decorating. I think it took Deanna and I, 6 hours (not including making the dough). Crazy! Not sure I would do it again in the near future, too much work. Maybe if I ever spend Thanksgiving with my nieces and nephews, or if I ever have kids, then I would bust out my ginger bread house - making skills :) 

1 comment:

  1. I just go for the pre baked kits. :)
    That way you still get to put it together and decorate it, but you don't have to spend all of that time making the dough.
